Thursday, January 22, 2009

Coffee CRAZY

           A new study suggests that people who drink seven cups of coffee a day are 3 times more likely to hallucinate and hear imaginary voices than those who drink 1 cup of coffee or less. The study included 200 test subjects those who drank an equivalent of 7 cups of coffee were much more likely to hallucinate than those who drank much less. The research does not show however that cause of this effects is the caffeine in the coffee. Caffeine is craved for its ability to quickly raise alertness and boost energy, though the drug has been researched many times the effects apparently ranged from easing pain and headaches to causing cancer. It is possible that the caffeine caused sensory disturbance by amplifying the physiological effects of stress. It also caused increased production of stress related hormone called cortisol. Hallucination is usually linked to traumatic events such as abuse. The study noted that heavy intake of caffeine can cause jitteriness and other adverse effects. A much higher dose may cause more heavy effects such as hallucination. The study may be unable to prove the effects of caffeine as certain psychotic conditions such as psychotic depression could distort the effects of drugs.
            I believe that this study is important because it will make the public more aware of caffeine's effects. It may be possible however that hallucination would be caused for different reasons for different individuals. Though it is an important study it feels to me that it is a wild goose chase. This is because it will take much more research and a much more close examination of coffee ingredients in order to find the accurate effects of coffee.
                                                                          Information was found here

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Barrack Obama's inauguration

On January 21, 2009 president Barrack Obama officially took office at the 44th presidential inauguration along with his vice president Joe Biden. This is a historical event because Barrack Obama is the first ever African American president. During the inauguration Mr. Obama swore in on the bible Abraham Lincoln used during his inauguration. The ceremony took place in the three square- kilometer area of the capital which was turned into a very secure zone. One million people watched the inauguration from the national mall while hundreds of thousands more stood in Pennsylvania avenue to watch the inaugural parade.

President Obama and his wife attended a morning worship service, a tradition that began with president Franklin D Roosevelt. After which they went to the inauguration and they proceded to a luncheon in the statuary hall along with about 200 guests. The menu at the luncheon would be "inspired" by the tastes of Mr.Lincoln. At around eight o clock PM Mr. and Mrs. Obama attended 10 official inaugural balls. The Obamas returned to the White house at around 3:00 AM.
Information for this paragraph was taken from here.
The historical event was bigger than any other presidential inauguration in the last 28 years. Early numbers from Nielson Media Research say 29.2% of households watched the inauguration while online viewing broke video traffic records for,, Ronald Reagan's inauguration in 1981 had 37.4 households viwing his inauguration. Major news networks got 17,000,000 views from noon to 12:30 PM. It is estimated the inauguration had around 35 million viewers in total.
Information for this paragraph was taken from here.
I believe this is very big news. It is a record breaking event. I feel Mr.Obama will be a great president. I also believe Mr.Biden will be a great vice-president. Obama's presidency may inspire many others of different races to run for presidency as well. I believe he was the best candidate who ever ran for presidency of the United States.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A bizzarre new raptor is found in Argentina

  Scientists have found a giant bipedal dinosaur in Argentina officially named  Austroraptor cabazi. This discovery has took palentologists by suprise as the fossils indicate that it is one of the largest raptors ever to have  lived and was the only raptor ever found with short arms. It stands 16.5 feet tall and is  21 feet long. The raptors bones are incomplete containing the fossil remnants of its head neck back and foot bones it was completely missing  an abdomen. It has a long head. Scientists were able to generate a computer digram of what its skelletal system would have looked like by using the raptors closest relatives. The fossil was extracted from rocks in the patagonia region along with the fossils of turtle and fish. Scientists officialy state that this is the largest raptor ever found in South America by far. Most raptors found in South America were the size of small crows and turtles. Unlike other dinosaurs found in this region which had the ability to fly Austroraptor was to big and heavy to fly. 
     I think that this is one of the most important discoveries ever made in South America. It was a revolutionary find that shows how evolution in South America worked. I think that it might also be related in some way to the pterodactyl which also has a long head. The find proves that not all evolutionary paths have to come from one species. Perhaps more fossil finds will reveal even more.