Monday, January 14, 2008

Class Response 1 - Chemistry

In science class we are learning about chemistry. In chemistry we learned about matter and how it makes up all physical things. Matter takes up space, and the amount of space matter takes up is called volume. The amount of matter in an object is called mass. Mass is also the reason an object has weight. Weight changes under certain conditions which makes weight not constant. The force of attraction between objects is called gravity. Gravity is one factor that determines an objects weight. The opposite of gravity is interia- the resistance of an object. I did many science experiments in class too.

The experiments I did in science class were very interesting. My favorite experiment was when my group and I put different types of chemicals in a plastic glass to see which liquid would be at the top and which would be at the bottom. The liquid with the highest density would be at the bottom while the liquid with the lowest density would be at the top. In the End the colors of the liquids made a rainbow because of where each liquid floated. My next favorite activity I did was when we learned how to find the volume, density or the mass of an object by using the "Magic Pyramid." The magic pyramid is a formula chart. It tells you how you can find the mass, volume or the density of an object. Overall I think Chemistry is my favorite unit yet.

Chemistry is very fun to learn. It is even more fun than biology. Even though chemistry is not yet over I think the rest of it will be just as fun. Right now my class is researching chemists. Me and my partner are researching a chemist who shared a nobel prize with her husband in radiology. I hope the rest of chemistry is fun!