Sunday, November 30, 2008

Pictures Of Symbyosis

My science class was assigned a project. This project was to take a picture of a symbiotic relationship in our township. Symbiosis is a relationship between two living things.There are three types of symbiosis. The first type of symbiosis is mutualism. In mutualism both organisms benefit from their reletionship. One example of mutualism is a honey bee and a flower. While the bee gets the nectar that it needs the flower gets pollenated. Another type of symbiobis is commensalism. Commensalism is where one organism benefits while the other is unharmed. An example of commensalism is a tree with a vine hanging from it. The vine gets something to leen on while the tree does not get or lose anything it needs. The last form of symbiosis is parasatism. Parasatism is when one organism benefits and the other one is unharmed. An example of parasatism is a dog with a flea in its fur The flea gets nutrients from the dogs blood which causes the dog to lose blood.
I got a picture of a tree with weeds on its roots. This is an example of parasatism becauses the tree loses some of its water because the weeds which  damage its roots then absorb the water the tree loses for itself. It is also possible that this is an example of commensalism because the trees roots might have been cut before the weeds grew in allowing the weeds to gain the water it needed without harming the tree. I think this project was an excellent idea because instead of doing normal homework we got to experiment with technology and see how beautiful nature is.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Boom Blox!!

School as many people know it is where you have to go in order to learn, it is also known as the most boring place in the world. However that is not the case at my science class or atleast the boring part isn't. In science class we played the wii. It was for "educational" purposes. The game we played was called Boom Blox. The point of the game is basically to complete all the various objectives and mini games. You start by doing training which gets you used to the various mini games and controls. After that you start completing objectives which usually involves making boxes explode, disappear and break. This game has a lot to do with competition in the enviorment. I know this because the class had to answer questions on a worksheet while we were playing the game. The game relates to competition because you have to be quick thinker in order to get the highest score possible. Animals in the wild have to do the same thing because they have to think quickly in order to get the most nutrients and to remain safe. I believe that this was a good oppurtunity to learn in a fun way. It gets rid of the repetitive nature in school that most people don't like. It is much more fun and cretive to do then to take notes and tests.