Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Barrack Obama's inauguration

On January 21, 2009 president Barrack Obama officially took office at the 44th presidential inauguration along with his vice president Joe Biden. This is a historical event because Barrack Obama is the first ever African American president. During the inauguration Mr. Obama swore in on the bible Abraham Lincoln used during his inauguration. The ceremony took place in the three square- kilometer area of the capital which was turned into a very secure zone. One million people watched the inauguration from the national mall while hundreds of thousands more stood in Pennsylvania avenue to watch the inaugural parade.

President Obama and his wife attended a morning worship service, a tradition that began with president Franklin D Roosevelt. After which they went to the inauguration and they proceded to a luncheon in the statuary hall along with about 200 guests. The menu at the luncheon would be "inspired" by the tastes of Mr.Lincoln. At around eight o clock PM Mr. and Mrs. Obama attended 10 official inaugural balls. The Obamas returned to the White house at around 3:00 AM.
Information for this paragraph was taken from here.
The historical event was bigger than any other presidential inauguration in the last 28 years. Early numbers from Nielson Media Research say 29.2% of households watched the inauguration while online viewing broke video traffic records for,, Ronald Reagan's inauguration in 1981 had 37.4 households viwing his inauguration. Major news networks got 17,000,000 views from noon to 12:30 PM. It is estimated the inauguration had around 35 million viewers in total.
Information for this paragraph was taken from here.
I believe this is very big news. It is a record breaking event. I feel Mr.Obama will be a great president. I also believe Mr.Biden will be a great vice-president. Obama's presidency may inspire many others of different races to run for presidency as well. I believe he was the best candidate who ever ran for presidency of the United States.

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